Energy Conservation: 11 Proven Ways to a Better Energy Conservation


Energy conservation may be the best solution to fight the energy problems we are facing today. It will also help to minimize the environmental issues that arise due to power plants operating on nonrenewable energy sources.Before diving deep into the topic…

Geothermal Energy: 7 Things You Must Know About Earth’s Heat Energy

In engineering, geothermal energy definition is “The heat energy generated and stored in the Earth”. The prefix “Geo” is a Greek word, meaning Earth and the term, “Thermal” means Heat.If you put the terms together in the word geothermal, then geothermal energy meaning…

Tidal Power: A Brand New Alternative Energy Source for Electricity Generation

Tidal power or tidal energy is an alternative energy source of hydropower from which you can generate electricity. As tidal energy doesn’t produce any greenhouse gases, you can call it clean energy also.Actually, tidal energy is available to humankind since the generation of the…

Hydroelectric Energy: 10 Things You must Know About hydroelectricity

Hydroelectric Energy is almost all clean energy sources compared to all other renewable energy sources. Where Nuclear Power generates radioactive waste or wind energy generates noise, no such disadvantages are observed in hydroelectric energy. This is why I denote, hydroelectric energy as a clean energy…

Alternative Energy: A Detail Guide on Nuclear Power That You Must Read

There are some alternative energy sources available to cope with the increased demand for electricity. These alternative energy resources are in existence for a long.Nonrenewable energy resources are limited and produce greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases adversely affect the environment which is…

Green Energy: Your Complete Guide on Wind Power to Generate Electricity

Green Energy means not the color of energy. Green energy is that source of renewable energy which you can use again and again without environmental damage.Renewable energy examples are tidal power, solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, hydroelectric energy, etc.Out of the above alternative…

Solar Energy: A Comprehensive Guide That Will Give You All The Information

Solar energy is that renewable energy source that we get from the Sun.Solar energy has been used since prehistoric times. After the dramatic rise in oil prices in the 1970s, several countries started to exploit solar energy.In India too, the Indian Renewable Energy Development…

Renewable Energy: Popular Renewable Energy Sources for Clean Energy

Renewable energy is a form of energy that is collected from renewable resources such as wind, solar, etc. In another word, you can also call it alternative energy sources.Like other non-renewable energy sources, renewable energy sources are not restricted to geographical areas.…

Energy Transformation: How to Convert Hydraulic Energy in Mechanical Energy

Energy Transformation is nothing but simply converting one type of energy into another form.In India about 2200 years back, hydraulic energy was first converted into mechanical energy.This is done by passing the water through a water wheel. India is the inventor of water wheels which were then taken…

Water Turbines: Why Water Turbines are developed?

In very ancient days water wheels were developed to convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. Nowadays water turbines are used for the same purpose. Basically, these water wheels are used to lift water from wells for irrigation purposes. Due to their very slow-moving speed,…